Welcome to the Bury Grammar Schools’ Archives
A school is nothing without its history. Our archives provide a valuable resource to enable
former pupils, parents, staff and family researchers with connections to BGS to understand
the history of the school and its relevance to the present and the future.
It has only been possible to launch this exciting online project thanks to the generosity of
both the Old Girls’ and Old Boys’ Associations. The archive is a continual work in
progress and as such we would hope to add to it annually as funds become available.
Should you wish to support the Archive Fund, you can do so by selecting the ‘Donate to
BGS Archive’ option above.
Can you help us?
We are always grateful to receive any information or memorabilia connected to the Bury Grammar Schools, including photographs,
newspaper articles, school magazines and uniform, which may further enhance our archives.
If you have something of interest that you would like to share with us, please contact our Archivists at alumni@burygrammar.com.
We do hope that you will find a wealth of information in this online archive and gain a great
deal of pleasure from looking back through the history of the School.